Monday, May 3, 2010

Arizona's Illegal Immigrant Law

I've heard just about all I can take about this law.  Since most people in this world are half-to-fully retarded and like to read headlines and have gut reactions without thinking/researching it's important to establish what this law is and what it is not.

This law does not create some illegal-alien hunting crew going door to door busting down doors and extracting immigrants for immediate execution.  This law does not allow cops to randomly ask any Hispanic-looking person for proof of citizenship.  Upon lack of proof officers are not allowed to pull out their firearm and pistol-whip immigrants. Now onto what this law DOES do.

If committing or being suspected of committing a crime (put under arrest or detention), proof of citizenship must be given.  Thats right.  If you get in a bar fight or get a speeding ticket an officer may ask you for proof of ID and citizenship.  I know right now your asking yourself but wait Ben isn't that just like when any ordinary person gets pulled over and they ask for your Driver's license and insurance?  Why yes.... yes it is.  Know why?  Because driving without a license is illegal.  So is being in a country illegally.  Pretty much every other country in the entire world has laws similar to this that they enforce.  Don't believe me?  Go to Mexico and get arrested.  See if they ask you for your passport/visa/etc.  Or go to France and get arrested. Or Spain. Or England.  Or basically any other country. Seriously.  If you look/act/don't speak the native language, police will ask for ID.

There's three groups of people when it comes to this issue:
1-Conservative douche-bag xenophobic racists that hate Hispanics.  Think "they took our jobs" uttered in a redneck drawl.  (45%)

2-Limp-wristed, moronic, I-feel-rather-than-think liberal dumb-asses who like to "fight the cause" and immediately outcry some violations of "human rights." (50%)  [PS..  Rights are granted under the US Constitution to citizens of the US.  Keyword... CITIZENS.  Does this mean we shouldn't respect basic human rights to all human beings? Absolutely not.  But does it mean illegal immigrants are allowed to vote or get drivers licenses or have a trial by jury?  Nope.]

3-People who actually logically think about issues (5%).  This group is severely under-represented.

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