Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tea Party... Good or Bad?

I'll start by disclosing I certainly have no affiliation with the "Tea Party" (whatever that really means anyway).  I have never attended one or donated to any tea -related cause.  However, I do consider myself a "libertarian" in the strictest sense of the word.  I believe in libertarian policies.  I am not a member of the libertarian party.  Similarly, I believe in Democracy but am not a member of the Democratic Party.

Things I love about the Tea Party Movement:
-People becoming educated and taking and active role in government
-People publicly voicing their displeasure with the government in a peaceful and non-violent way
-Government realizing that it is ultimately responsible to the people and does not have the right to do whatever it pleases
-Pushing the smaller-government movement

Things I hate about the Tea Party Movement:
-Possible "Hate" or Racism
-For-Profit Affiliation
-Lack of any true leadership

Other thoughts:
- I fell that overall the Tea Partiers get a bad wrap and are continually slammed by the media.  As far as I know (and could find on the internet) there has not been a single outbreak of violence at any Tea Party event.  Further, I find the cries of racism to be largely false and a lot of hype over nothing.  Lastly, i have a big problem with people saying that the Tea Party movement is responsible for "hate."  Thats really idiotic.

I thought this was a nice video concerning tea party racism:  By the way, calling a movement racist is in and of itself a racist action.  If I were to dismiss a group that just happened to be comprised mostly of Black people by saying "well thats just those angry African Americans again wanting their (insert whatever applies)," that would be inherently racist.  Attack ideas and principles, don't bait with racism.

Lastly, concerning "hate."

Where was the media with its outrage when protesters were holding signs advocating the assassination of Bush and people  burning effigies?  Further, "hate messages" are never delegated strictly to one side of any issue.

Let me know your thoughts.

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